The new documentation is here: (at the bottom
it says no external libraries are needed). This was already true for 1.1
but the documentation was not updated. So, yes, there no need for Bouncy
Castle if you use a current JDK. We will investigate the bug with the

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:09 AM, <> wrote:

> @luis, I´m sorry i didn’t have the possibility to respond earlier but here
> goes:****
> #1 I thought that an external provide (e.g. Bouncy Castle) was a prereq
> (reference to the same documentation link as Mattias specified which seems
> to be copied from 1.0 docs).****
> #2 The FO file, the part concerning the link, looks like this:****
> <fo:block>****
>   <fo:basic-link external-destination="
>"; text-decoration="underline"color
> ="blue">Svenska Wikipedia</fo:basic-link>****
> </fo:block>****
> which will give the desired result without encryption but will fail with
> encryption. It is basically the same as Matthias´ Jira FO.****
> ** **
> @Matthias, I looked at the Jira issue and I would say it is a perfect
> match of my findings also. (I cast a vote on it).****
> ** **
> So, I would think that this has nothing to do with the encryption
> implementation (i.e. Bouncy Castle) but rather how the FOP engine generates
> the resulting PDF file.****
> ** **
> Best regards****
> Lars****
> ** **
> *Från:* Matthias Reischenbacher []
> *Skickat:* den 24 juli 2013 21:43
> *Till:*
> *Ämne:* Re: Encryption and links****
> ** **
> Hi Luis,
> I've had the same issue and created a jiira issue with a minimal test
> case, see:
> The problem also exists in current trunk.
> Regarding Bouncy Castle: this is documented here:
> this not necessary anymore with newer JDKs?
> Best regards,
> Matthias
> On 23.07.2013 07:57, Luis Bernardo wrote:****
> Why do you need to use Bouncy Castle? And can you provide an example of
> your source FO file? It is possible that the problem you see is also
> present in trunk. Note that support for encryption in trunk has been
> expanded since the the 1.0 release so you may want to try trunk too.****
> ** **
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:47 AM, <> wrote:****
> Hi.****
>  ****
> I have been implementing the Bouncy Castle encryption support as described
> in the FOP docs and almost everything works out fine.****
> What does not work however is the implementation of external links
> (fo:basic-link - external-destination). In my case the link target will be
> an Internet URL (e.g.****
>  ****
> When I try to click on a link in the resulting PDF I will be directed to
> my default browser but with a “Target not found” message. When inspecting
> the URL I find that it starts with file:///C:/eclipse.../out/ which is
> the path to the created PDF. After that there is just a string of
> hexadecimal characters (encrypted URL I suspect).****
>  ****
> However, when turning off encryption and not changing any other parameter,
> the links will work all right.****
>  ****
> I am currently using FOP 1.0 but looked at history of changes for 1.1 I
> did not see anything relating to this.****
>  ****
> I found some information regarding this on Internet from 2008 FOP 0.95 and
> so my questions are:****
>  ****
> Is the bug still there (it seems so)?****
> Does anybody have a workaround (without hacking the FOP code)?****
>  ****
> Regards ****
>  ****
> *Lars Bjerges*****
> zOS & Common Function (Sweden)****
>  ****
> Swedbank AB (publ)****
> 105 34 Stockholm****
> Telefon: +46 (0)8 58 59 43 45****
> Mobil: +46 (0)70 95 27 774****
>  ****
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> ** **
> ** **

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