I'd suggest you test FOP by using an XSL-FO input file directly rather than
an XSL template. Template processing is not part of FOP functionality in
the first place.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Marc Kaufman <marck...@adobe.com> wrote:

> More specifically, if I replace “ “ with u/200B (zero width space) in the
> string that contains surrogate characters, FOP parsing fails even if I just
> use xsl:value-of. I’m not going to pursue that at this time. Maybe when FOP
> handles non-BMP characters it should be revisited.
> Marc
> *From:* Marc Kaufman [mailto:marck...@adobe.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:34 PM
> *To:* fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: isolated high surrogate
> I’ve isolated the problem to a template definition that is trying to
> replace apace characters with non-breaking spaces. Evidently it clobbers
> some surrogate pairs. FWIW: here’s the offending line(s):
>   *<**xsl:template **name*=*"zero_width_space_1"**>*
>     *<**xsl:param **name*=*"data"**/>*
>     *<**xsl:param **name*=*"counter" **select*=*"0"**/>*
>     *<**xsl:choose**>*
>       *<**xsl:when **test*=*"$counter &lt; string-length($data)+1"**>*
>         *<**xsl:value-of **select*=
> *'concat(substring($data,$counter,1),"&#8203;")'**/>*
>         *<**xsl:call-template **name*=*"zero_width_space_2"**>*
>           *<**xsl:with-param **name*=*"data" **select*=*"$data"**/>*
>           *<**xsl:with-param **name*=*"counter" **select*=*"$counter+1"*
> */>*
>         *</**xsl:call-template**>*
>       *</**xsl:when**>*
>       *<**xsl:otherwise**>*
>       *</**xsl:otherwise**>*
>     *</**xsl:choose**>*
>   *</**xsl:template**>*
>   *<**xsl:template **name*=*"zero_width_space_2"**>*
>     *<**xsl:param **name*=*"data"**/>*
>     *<**xsl:param **name*=*"counter"**/>*
>     *<**xsl:value-of **select*=
> *'concat(substring($data,$counter,1),"&#8203;")'**/>*
>     *<**xsl:call-template **name*=*"zero_width_space_1"**>*
>       *<**xsl:with-param **name*=*"data" **select*=*"$data"**/>*
>       *<**xsl:with-param **name*=*"counter" **select*=*"$counter+1"**/>*
>     *</**xsl:call-template**>*
>   *</**xsl:template**>*
> So, not an FOP problem.
> Marc
> *From:* Marc Kaufman [mailto:marck...@adobe.com <marck...@adobe.com>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:22 PM
> *To:* fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: isolated high surrogate
> I tried that. Doesn’t work. I understand that non-BMP is not supported,
> and I’m prepared to live with two .notdef characters in the result, but I’m
> not sure why I’m getting the fatal error from the parser.
> *From:* Glenn Adams [mailto:gl...@skynav.com <gl...@skynav.com>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:01 PM
> *To:* FOP Users <fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: isolated high surrogate
> Non-BMP characters are not presently supported by FOP, see [1]. When they
> are supported, you would best encode them in a file using a single (not
> two) numeric character entities, e.g., &#x010001;, etc.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOP-1969
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Marc Kaufman <marck...@adobe.com> wrote:
> I’m stumped by this error:
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 92; columnNumber: 51;
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: isolated high surrogate
> I have text with surrogate pairs throughout the file, but this only occurs
> in this context:
>     <fo:block padding-top="2em" padding-bottom=".5em" text-align="left"
> font-family="Kozuka Gothic PR6N" font-size="18pt" color="black">
>       *<**xsl:call-template **name*=*"zero_width_space_1"**>*
>         *<**xsl:with-param **name*=*"data" **select*=*"@documentName"**/>*
>       *</**xsl:call-template**>*
>     </fo:block>
> I’ve checked the input stream, and all the surrogates are correctly
> paired. I’ve tried escaping the surrogate pairs (e.g. “&#-integer-;”), but
> that doesn’t change the error.

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