Hello Sean,

I'm sorry if we created a feeling that we're doing something behind closed 

Let me explain the background. When Roxanne started to look at the UI/UX 
improvements we quickly realized that Foreman with all its plugins is a big 
application and it seemed as too much to digest at once. So we decided to 
start introducing smaller, isolated parts of the whole thing to her once a 
week. Each week we sit and talk about specific area. I hope that it helps 
Roxanne to understand how the project is interconnected so she can suggest 
larger changes consistent across the whole app after some time.

Also as part of these demos, she takes notes of small items that we can fix 
right away, such as "this inline help does not provide a value", "this button 
should not be red". So it's not really a discussion or designing of new stuff, 
it's rather a demo for a certain area.

Roxanne provides the notes from these sessions for what could be improved. If 
those are low hanging fruit we try to fix it right away. Since she shares 
notes during these sessions and share them with everyone so people who are 
interested could also add their comments. All changes are going through PRs 
and the discussion, if necessary, happens there.

I think sharing these notes is also useful for people who'd like to contribute 
with code and are looking for something small.

I hope it makes better sense now.


On úterý 14. března 2017 22:43:39 CET Sean O'Keeffe wrote:
> Firstly thanks for all the valuable input Roxanne, I'm just a bit concerned
> about discussions that to me at least appear to be happening behind closed
> doors.
> When do these "Dev/Design Weekly Meeting" take place?
> Have they ever been advertised on this mailing list or anywhere publicly? I
> haven't seen anything, maybe I missed it?
> If not, why not?
> Having conversations behind closed doors that have such a large impact on
> the project is not a good thing.
> To me, sending notes about a meeting that I can only assume happens within
> redhat every week is quite inappropriate. Not only does it make people in
> the community feel excluded from important discussions, but it also shows
> the sway and power redhat has within this community, which in my opinion
> shouldn't be the case.
> I get that redhat will want to make suggestions that benefit itself and us
> and maybe sometimes just itself but this is not the right way to go about
> it. We need to have open discussions.
> Sean
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 3:02 PM, Roxanne Hoover <rohoo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zqK49SNLMA2t8SHen4M2z6-Z
> > gsVk3oKEQsCwxcK6d6A/edit
> > 
> > 
> > Subscription Management
> > 
> > Presented by Thomas McKay
> > 
> > 
> > Subscription Manifest -- no manifest yet
> > 
> >    -
> >    
> >    Manifest history -- no message/time… it should state as much.
> >    -
> >    
> >    More direct route to Upload… entire page not necessary because it has
> >    no data.
> >    -
> >    
> >    Upload success inline messaging lacks icon.
> > 
> > Subscription Manifest - already manifest
> > 
> >    -
> >    
> >    Delete Manifest is a big deal.
> >    -
> >    
> >    IMport History tab might not be necessary
> >    -
> >    
> >    “Upstream Subscription Management Application” - wraps to 4 lines,
> >    creates awkward empty space and could be confused for independant
> >    labels.
> >    -
> >    
> >    Can the Upload button Delete and then Upload… Tom says no.
> >    -
> >    
> >    Page doesn’t refresh after delete. Delete is nuclear with no warning.
> >    -
> >    
> >    Inline messaging is all over the place, grey is at bottom, red is in
> >    the middle (from bad upload), and success delete was at the top.
> >    -
> >    
> >    Also - error on upload was in an inline messaging pattern vs. form
> >    error which is typical in other areas of forum.
> > 
> > Product Content Tab
> > 
> >    -
> >    
> >    Items are added/removed from another page… integration would be nice,
> >    content could at least be formatted for Patternfly as the negative
> >    positive
> >    accordion is not standard.
> > 
> > --
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