Use as a reference. Need to do 
additional work and testing - it doesn't work out of the box!

We have a 2 node production cluster with one node in our DR site, running 
pacemaker and shared SAN storage. We have a floating IP. Works.

We have 4 Capsules per region sitting behind a load balancer. Works. For 
this, points to note:

- selinux is a pain (as some filesystems are shared via nfs)
- you MUST share puppet ssl and tftp boot directories as a minimum (we 
share over NFS)
- you need to set the puppet auth.conf files to accept connections from the 
LB name
- katello-consumer-ca rpms reference the node, not the LB name so you might 
want to configure subscription-manager post install.
- in Satellite, add the SAME lifecycles to each load balanced node.
- in Satellite register the LB name as a capsule (but DO NOT assign 
lifecycles) - use this capsule in your hostgroups.

On Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 10:47:20 AM UTC-4, Unix SA wrote:
> I am not sure why satellite or katello is missing this basic things like 
> CNAME support or HA, if i have 5000 servers connecting to different 
> capsules with single satellite master with no HA or DR , it makes difficult 
> to recover master if it goes down.
> How are you guys managing HA or DR for satellite master ??

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