On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:21:04AM -0400, Eric D Helms wrote:
Howdy All,

We've recently had some discussions about infra changes, past discussions
about deployment projects and additions (e.g. containers) and platform
changes (e.g. Rails 5.X support). For me, these all live in a similar area
of functionality or at the very least similar area of how they affect the
overall project and its constituents. Further, infra, deployment and
platform changes tend to be involved with wide ranging affects across core,
plugins, testing and infrastructure.  To that end, I'd like to build up a
Roadmap of items that fall into these categories and working list of
mid-level tasks that must be examined or completed in order to achieve them.

I've started a list of these pulled from discussions that have happened on
the mailing list, IRC or in PR discussions and put them into the etherpad
[1]. I'd like to ask for comments on existing, additional tasks, questions
or concerns, and other items that fit the theme of the discussion to be
added to the etherpad.

After some amount of gathering, editing and initial discussion, I plan to
post the list to the mailing list for any further discussion and then
finalizing it as the "current" Roadmap for items within it with some sense
of priority and timing for each. With the goal being to keep it up to date
over time so that we are continuing to track and provide visibility in
these areas.

[1] http://pad-katello.rhcloud.com/p/infra-deployment-roadmap

I filled in the "Merging katello and foreman installers" section since I already started the work.

I started to replace checks/disk_size.rb[1] and hooks/pre/17-memory_check.rb[2] but others I still need to investigate.

For example there's pre/10-reset_feature.rb[3] in katello which is a lot like pre/10-reset_foreman_db.rb[4].

pre_validations/11-check_proxy_url.rb[6] is already handled in puppet-katello[7] with Puppet 4 types.

Other things might be simplified by extending kafo. There's a lot of duplication in the katello hooks, like the broken exit function[8] meant you had to use kafo.class.exit() rather than exit(). Some helpers could also be moved in the library itself.

All in all this might be larger than I initially suspected but we'll get there.

[8]: https://github.com/theforeman/kafo/pull/218

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