
Foreman does have a nice audit trail for many operations, what's
missing is ability to find how a template (e.g. kickstart) was
rendered. Storing whole template text in audit table is probably not
the best thing to do, production.log is also not a good fit, so here
is a proposal.

I want to create a small API called File audit (*) with ability to
store arbitrary files into
/var/log/foreman/file_audit/id/text-timestamp where "id" is record id
(or multiple ids concatenated with dots), "text" is arbitrary alphanum
text and "timestamp" is unix epoch number. Example:


That API will be used to store contents of all templates rendered, so
users can easily go "back in time" and see how templates are being
rendered. The directory would be root-only reading and files will be
created with restricted permissions (foreman user rw only). On system
with SELinux, security would be more tightened allowing writing only
to foreman_t domain and reading to nobody. For the example above, this
would mean:


1 - file audit type (static list, 1 stands for "template audit entry")
33 - host id
7 - template id
my.host.lan-pxelinux - extra data so users can work and search from command line
1512492603 - UNIX epoch timestamp

Everytime new record is added, a log entry is created into
production.log containing file path. By default, there will be a cron
job deleting all files older than one month. In documentation, we will
ask users to rsync the directory to different location if long-term
archival is needed.

This API could be used for other audit logging, for example when user
uploads a manifest ZIP file in katello or new version of RPM/Puppet
file. This will be the first step to improve audit around templates,
later on we can create a plugin showing the data in audit/host pages
if needed. But in the first phase, administrators could easily
search/grep/diff those files when necessary.

(*) if you have a better name, please do propose

  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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