Hi Foreman users,

A new release of the foreman_ansible plugin (1.4.1) is out!

  * Now you can play roles on all hosts in a host group by going to the
    Hostgroups list and choosing play roles from a host group.
  * A task that plays all host roles runs after the host finishes
    provisioning, so your hosts are setup without manual intervention
  * Tasks' name contains which proxy is it running it. Hopefully this
    allows you to debug any connectivity issues in a multi-proxy setup
  * Settings for connection type, WinRM cert validation, and verbosity

The manual has been updated to reflect the new changes,

And you can check out how the new features on the latest community demo
(5:45, 15:00) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiU2O8MCe8s

Hope you enjoy that. To get it, just upgrade your packages on 1.14, 1.13
or nightly for foreman_ansible. Please also upgrade smart_proxy_ansible
on the smart proxies to 1.0.1 in order to get the latest updates there
too. We're working on getting debs done, but unfortunately our pipeline
is stuck. I will update this thread when the debs are published.

Special thanks to Gerrit91 and Daniel Kuffner (chilicat) on GitHub for
their awesome contributions that led to this release.

PS: foreman_ansible_inventory got a major update recently too, it uses
sessions when it does multiple requests to improve its performance.
Thanks to Bill Nottingham from Ansible who contributed this. Check the
latest version on https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_ansible_inventory

Best, let us know what you think!

Daniel Lobato Garcia


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