Nobody else sees this issue?

Lukas #lzap Zapletal, do you have any thoughts on this? I do have a bunch 
issues with discovered hosts at the moment and I think it is related - I 
have many duplicate hosts discovered - the same MAC name, but no other 
data/facts, anything:

As you can see, there's 1 more or less "normal" entry and bunch of 
duplicate ones. If I expand a "normal" one, all the facts are actually 
there and correct, however, for some reason not all of them are shown in a 
dashboard page - some facts are shown as "N/A" (like model/productname), 
the others are just empty (like an IP), but those facts although they are 
certainly reported and known:


Going back to a lot duplicate hosts. My production.log is full of these 

2017-02-27 15:21:56 5b38d3e9 [app] [I] Started POST 
"/api/v2/discovered_hosts/facts" for at 2017-02-27 15:21:56 
2017-02-27 15:21:56 5b38d3e9 [app] [I] Processing by 
Api::V2::DiscoveredHostsController#facts as JSON
2017-02-27 15:21:56 5b38d3e9 [app] [I]   Parameters: 
{"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2", 
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [audit] [I] [mac7cd30abf30ac] deleted 0 
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [audit] [I] [mac7cd30abf30ac] updated 0 
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [audit] [I] [mac7cd30abf30ac] added 0 (3.2ms)
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [app] [I] Import facts for 'mac7cd30abf30ac' 
completed. Added: 0, Updated: 0, Deleted 0 facts
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [app] [W] Subnet could not be detected for
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [app] [W] Host discovery failed, facts: { 
<snip all host facts> }
2017-02-27 15:21:57 5b38d3e9 [app] [I] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity 
in 974ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 466.3ms)

On a host side the above results in these entries:

Fact cache invalid, reloading to foreman
Parsing kernel line: <snip>
Discovered by URL:
Registering host with Foreman (
Response from Foreman 422: {"message":"Validation failed: Name has already 
been taken"}

And this keeps going on every 30 seconds. I don't see the number of 
duplicate invalid hosts increasing on such attempts, yet I can't figure out 
why and how they were created in a first place.
When delete such invalid duplicate hosts while keeping "semi-good" one and 
restart discovery on a host side, things get back to normal. Even dashboard 
view starts showing model now, but still no IP:


At first I thought this situation with duplicate hosts is somehow related 
to older discovery agent running on my hosts (foreman-proxy version 1.10.4, 
discovery GEM version 3.0.5 that runs on in-memory Ubuntu 14.04, our own 
version of FDI discussed here - and 
that's why I tried latest FDI 3.3.1 image but ran into issue with facts 
refresh (my original post). Now, since I'm able to make things work after 
duplicates deletion, I don't think this is an agent problem, but something 
on discovery plugin side.

I'd much appreciate your help here to figure out what's happening. I have 
not seen such issues on 1.12 or earlier and did not run on 1.13 for enough 
time to notice this either.

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