Hello all,

For some reason I'm having an issue with rotation of some of my Foreman and 
Squid logs.  It appears that the processes aren't releasing the logs and 
continuing to write to the deleted files.  For example:

$ sudo lsof /var/log/ | grep delete
squid      70644          root    5u   REG  253,6      7165 2117710 
/var/log/squid/cache.log-20170319 (deleted)
squid      70646         squid    5u   REG  253,6      7165 2117710 
/var/log/squid/cache.log-20170319 (deleted)
ruby       70859 foreman-proxy    7w   REG  253,6      1042 1050840 
/var/log/foreman-proxy/smart_proxy_dynflow_core.log-20170318 (deleted)
ruby       70968 foreman-proxy    7w   REG  253,6     16473 1050819 
/var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log-20170318 (deleted)

I'm running Foreman 1.13.4 on CentOS 7 and have not modified the provided 
logrotate.d files, though in my main logrotate.conf I have enabled "compress" 
as a global option.

Any clues as to what may be going on here?



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