Hi y'all,

I've had no success with this and as the usage of Foreman to provision 
Windows hosts is a little "less mature" and there by generates a little 
less useful replies on Google I look to you guys to see if anyone of you 
have solved this or have any ideas on how to progress.

So we have provisioned Windows onto BIOS hosts for a while, we do that by 
chainloading our WDS from PXE-Linux on the foreman server, it was quite 
tricky to get going from the beginning but eventually we got there for a 
little over a year ago or so. Now we face the next obstacle, or quite 
frankly I do, that my Windows colleagues want everything to use UEFI 
instead. I looked into that a few months ago without getting any working 
solution, but now it is time for the second round. So what I want to do, 
which I hope is possible, is to chainload the WDS in the same manor as we 
did with the BIOS hosts, I wont go in to the reasons, but I assume you 
could imagine a few of your own.
So I've looked into creating a PXEGrub2 template for this and have had some 
success, but when I've made the jump to the WDS and have loaded the first 
file wdsmgfw.efi, the installation crashes with the error according to the 
image bellow bellow.


As you can imagine the Server IP should most certainly show the ip of the 
WDS, that assumption is based on the fact that when booting directly into 
the WDS that is what is displayed instead of "". So seemingly 
booting into grub2 chainloading into wds somewhere some information is 
lost, I would actually understood it better if the Foreman servers IP was 
erroneously shown, but obviously it is not grabbing that IP either. The 
present grub2 template in foreman dictates the following:

set default=0
set timeout=<%= @host.params['loader_timeout'] || 10 %>

menuentry '<%= template_name %>' {
  insmod chain
  insmod net
  insmod efinet
  insmod ntfs
  echo 'Network status: '
  set root=(hd0)
  chainloader (pxe:\x64/wdsmgfw.efi


I guess some of it isn't needed but I have already removed a fairly large 
amount of commented out lines that have been used during the massive 
testing I did at the last try, so I pasted the lines that was not commented 
out for the moment.

So, any ideas? Anyone walked this path before me? We have no issue 
provisioning Linux hosts that have UEFI booted, but on the other hand they 
don't do the same "jump"....

Best wishes, Fredrik

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