> what kind of load do you have? Puppet? Facter? Is that ENC? Something 
> else? 
> Can you tell which requests are slow from logs or monitoring? 
Yes, I should have mentioned that - there's very little puppet and ENC work 
done by this cluster at this point (more is coming soon though). Host 
discovery is by far the largest workload - 7600 discovered systems at this 
point. The last spike that I saw the impact to overall flows was when 
300-400 systems were trying to register at the same time. Because of the 
deadlocks, about 200-300 systems could not register repeatedly and had to 
keep retrying for a rather long time.
Rather often these registration attempts would end up creating either 
duplicate entries with the same "mac<mac>" but different IDs in a DB or an 
"empty" discovery host entry. Both of these would prevent a system 
successfully register unless they are removed (I had to write a little 
script that runs from the cron to do so). Here are the examples of an 
"empty" record and duplicate ones (as they get deleted):

    "id": 437923,
    "name": "mac90e2bae6cc70",
    "last_compile": null,
    "last_report": null,
    "updated_at": "2017-08-22T07:08:54.000Z",
    "created_at": "2017-08-22T07:08:54.000Z",
    "root_pass": "<removed>",
    "architecture_id": null,
    "operatingsystem_id": null,
    "environment_id": null,
    "ptable_id": null,
    "medium_id": null,
    "build": false,
    "comment": null,
    "disk": null,
    "installed_at": null,
    "model_id": null,
    "hostgroup_id": null,
    "owner_id": null,
    "owner_type": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null,
    "managed": false,
    "use_image": null,
    "image_file": null,
    "uuid": null,
    "compute_resource_id": null,
    "puppet_proxy_id": null,
    "certname": null,
    "image_id": null,
    "organization_id": null,
    "location_id": null,
    "otp": null,
    "realm_id": null,
    "compute_profile_id": null,
    "provision_method": null,
    "grub_pass": "",
    "global_status": 0,
    "lookup_value_matcher": null,
    "discovery_rule_id": null,
    "salt_proxy_id": null,
    "salt_environment_id": null,
    "pxe_loader": null

Duplicates (usually the later duplicate would be an empty one as well, but 
not all the time):

  "id": 430090,
  "name": "mac3417ebe3f8f1",
  "last_compile": null,
  "last_report": "2017-09-14T19:47:55.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2017-09-14T19:47:57.000Z",
  "created_at": "2017-03-08T20:24:05.000Z",
  "root_pass": "<removed>",
  "architecture_id": null,
  "operatingsystem_id": null,
  "environment_id": null,
  "ptable_id": null,
  "medium_id": null,
  "build": false,
  "comment": null,
  "disk": null,
  "installed_at": null,
  "model_id": 3,
  "hostgroup_id": null,
  "owner_id": 10,
  "owner_type": "User",
  "enabled": true,
  "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null,
  "managed": false,
  "use_image": null,
  "image_file": null,
  "uuid": null,
  "compute_resource_id": null,
  "puppet_proxy_id": null,
  "certname": null,
  "image_id": null,
  "organization_id": null,
  "location_id": null,
  "otp": null,
  "realm_id": null,
  "compute_profile_id": null,
  "provision_method": null,
  "grub_pass": "",
  "global_status": 0,
  "lookup_value_matcher": null,
  "discovery_rule_id": null,
  "salt_proxy_id": null,
  "salt_environment_id": null,
  "pxe_loader": null
  "id": 438146,
  "name": "mac3417ebe3f8f1",
  "last_compile": null,
  "last_report": "2017-09-11T08:58:05.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2017-09-11T08:58:07.000Z",
  "created_at": "2017-08-24T19:44:23.000Z",
  "root_pass": "<removed>",
  "architecture_id": null,
  "operatingsystem_id": null,
  "environment_id": null,
  "ptable_id": null,
  "medium_id": null,
  "build": false,
  "comment": null,
  "disk": null,
  "installed_at": null,
  "model_id": null,
  "hostgroup_id": null,
  "owner_id": null,
  "owner_type": null,
  "enabled": true,
  "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null,
  "managed": false,
  "use_image": null,
  "image_file": null,
  "uuid": null,
  "compute_resource_id": null,
  "puppet_proxy_id": null,
  "certname": null,
  "image_id": null,
  "organization_id": null,
  "location_id": null,
  "otp": null,
  "realm_id": null,
  "compute_profile_id": null,
  "provision_method": null,
  "grub_pass": "",
  "global_status": 0,
  "lookup_value_matcher": null,
  "discovery_rule_id": null,
  "salt_proxy_id": null,
  "salt_environment_id": null,
  "pxe_loader": null

I can't tell if any queries are slow - can you remind me how to do that?

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