I’d like to set up a Smart Proxy with Puppet Master and Puppet CA features to 
serve nodes on a private network. The Smart Proxy would have a connection on an 
external network with a public DNS name; this is how Foreman would contact the 
Smart Proxy. The Smart Proxy would also have a connection on the private 
network with a different, private DNS name; this is how the nodes would connect 
to it for Puppet services.

I’ve read enough other posts that I am fairly certain this is possible but I’m 
unsure how to actually implement it. In particular, what are the parameters I 
need to pass to foreman-installer to get it configured with this dual-hostname 
setup? I.e., to which installer parameters do I feed the public hostname and to 
which installer parameters do I feed the private hostname? Here are the 
parameters that I think might come into play along with assumed values; some 
may not be necessary and I might be missing others:
--foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url=https://<the foreman master hostname>
--foreman-proxy-registered-name=<public (short?) hostname of the proxy>
--foreman-proxy-registered-proxy-url=https://<public hostname of the proxy>
--foreman-proxy-trusted-hosts=https://<the foreman master hostname>
--puppet-server-ca-proxy=https://<the private hostname of the proxy, although 
maybe this is not needed>
--puppet-server-certname=https://<the private hostname of the proxy>
--puppet-server-foreman-url=https://<the foreman master hostname>

Again, the idea is to have the Foreman Master contact the Smart Proxy using the 
public hostname but have the clients contact the Smart Proxy as a Puppet 
Master/Puppet CA using its private hostname. A related concern is making sure 
that when I use Foreman to provision a node (e.g., using kickstart) that its 
Puppet Master/Puppet CA URLs will be set correctly to the private hostname of 
the Smart Proxy.

Any guidance on this would be most welcome.



P.S. I believe that another part of configuring this successfully would be 
creating an SSL certificate with multiple hostnames for the Smart Proxy to use 
for Puppet as well as communication with the Foreman Master.

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