
*I am using Foreman-Discovery Image to discover the server initially over a 
PXE network (ex: my network is on I have no issues in 
discovering the host into Foreman over the PXE network.*



*Now, I created a host group to deploy an operating system under a 
different management subnet ( network which is different from 
the PXE network (of course!). I am planning to install ESXi on the 
discovered hosts. And I expect the host to be deployed using the subnet 
that I provided in the HostGroup (which is not true. Maybe I am assuming in 
a wrong way!).*


*ESXi kick start installation supports a command line parameter to provide 
the –vlanid (for the same physical NIC interface.)*

*And a snippet from my template is as follows:*

> <% mgmt_ip = ["10.7.29", 
> @host.facts['ipmi_1_ipaddress'].split(".").last].join('.') %>
> <% esxi_hostname = [ 
> @host.facts['lldp_neighbor_sysname_enp65s0f1'].split("202").first, "c", 
> @host.facts['lldp_neighbor_portid_enp65s0f1'].split("/").last].join() %>
> <% mgmt_vlan = "104" %>
> <% def_gateway = "" %>
> vmaccepteula
> # Set the root password
> rootpw --iscrypted <%= root_pass %>
> # Install ESX
> <%= @host.diskLayout %>
> <% subnet = @host.subnet -%>
> network --bootproto=static --ip=<%= mgmt_ip -%> --gateway=<%= def_gateway 
> -%> --nameserver=<%= subnet.dns_primary  -%> --netmask=<%= subnet.mask -%> 
> --hostname=<%= esxi_hostname -%> --device=vmnic2 --vlanid=<%= mgmt_vlan 
> -%>  --addvmportgroup=0


*So, when I click on the Auto Provision (under discovered hosts), it will 
install the Operating system without any issues, I mean ESXi will have all 
the hostnames and Management IP address from the template (as I am not 
picking them from the GUI parameters).*

*However, after the installation, my host on the foreman still have the PXE 
network showing as assigned IP? How can I update the IP address? [Actual 
host will have the management IP as I am hard-coding that value through 
provisioning template because I don’t know How to change that using auto 

*I am wondering, how does auto provision picks IP address from the PXE even 
after I assigned the subnet for my host group as a different subnet 
(logically, it should pick the subnet from the host group isn’t?). If 
that’s not possible, how do I update the host details once the installation 
is finished?*





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