On 21.05.2010 15:14, Michael Prokop wrote:

> * Vedran Furač <vedran.fu...@gmail.com> [Tue May 18, 2010 at 02:57:41PM 
> +0200]:
>> So manpage is not needed, I could probably removed those. Others are
>> only minor warnings.
> Hm, would it be worth the effort providing init scripts?
> I'd prefer if there's a clean interface how to start and stop
> logkeys processes.
>>> I'm wondering about the "DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC
>>> LICENSE" in COPYING even though http://code.google.com/p/logkeys/
>>> says "GNU General Public License v3". I'm aware that the WTFPL is
>>> considered as GPL compatible, though I'm wondering whether
>>> debian/copyright shouldn't mention WTFPL instead?
>> I don't know. If you decide it's better that way, I'll update the package.
> Yeah, please reflect the use of WTFPL in the copyright file.

Sure, I'll implement the requested changes and contact you to upload the
package for me.


http://vedranf.net | a8e7a7783ca0d460fee090cc584adc12

<<attachment: vedran_furac.vcf>>

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