maybe this is not right forum but I know that many clever brains watch it.

I have following problem:
We have organization structure with Employee entity, pretty simple.
Now we are going to implement ConfigurationDatabase system (CMDB). I
have to add some attributes to Employee (machines which he
administrate, ...). Than we are implementing sales system. I have to
again add some attributes to Person like teritory, distributionPhase,
... . And than problem come when I want deploy and combine different
systems for customers (with sales system, without CMDB, ...). How to
solve this?

a) Create independent systems with CmdbEmployee, SalesEmployee and
create higher level on bus (SOA) which will care about merging and
spliting all entities together
b) We will provide some kind of mixins in Sculptor DSL which will
allow merging entities (CmdbEmployee mixin Employee)
c) AspectJ ITD
e) Any other better idea?

Thanks for ANY hint you can provide


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