On 3/10/21 12:35 PM, Martin Stein via Fortran wrote:
> Hi,
> I am seeing rare but reproducible memory corruptions which I can trace back 
> to lines like
> write(out,'(a,i8)') 'short string', k
> where out is a (sufficiently large) character(len=...) variable and k some 
> small integer. The line itself occurs in a subroutine called from within an 
> openmp region.
> I have seen this in two rather different circumstances. If I change the line 
> to
> out = 'short string' // toStr(k)
> and write my own small toStr function, which translates an integer to its 
> string representation, then the memory corruption (usually occuring shortly 
> afterwards but on seemingly unrelated code) disappears.
> As out is usually not even used (it is a routine for debugging which only 
> uses the output in case something goes wrong), I am pretty sure that the 
> problem is within the write code.
> Unfortunately I cannot create a small reproducer. As I have already seen data 
> races/memory corruption with write (see 
> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=88899 and 
> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=88768) I am inclined to conclude 
> that the write intrinsic is at fault here.
> Any idea on how this can be further investigated? If write is indeed at 
> fault, that would be pretty bad.
> Best regards
> Martin

which version of gfortran, and which operating system?


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