
The GCC master branch is now in regression and documentation fixing
mode (Stage 4) in preparation for the release of GCC 13.  Re-opening
of general development will happen once we reach zero P1 regressions
which is when we branch for the release.  Time wise history projects
that to happen around mid to end of April 2022.

Take the quality data below with a big grain of salt - most of the
new P3 classified bugs will become P1 or P2 (generally every
regression against GCC 11 is to be considered P1 if it concerns
primary or secondary platforms).

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from last report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1              38    +  8
P2              310   +  3
P3              286   +  7
P4              221   +  1
P5              25
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total P1-P3     634   + 18
Total           880   + 19

Previous Report

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