On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 09:47:45PM +0200, FX wrote:
> Question to the Fortran maintainers:
> Do you know if the standard allows IEEE_CLASS and IEEE_VALUE to be used as 
> procedure pointers? I think not, because they do not follow (in F2008) the 
> standard constraint C729 / R740.
> If so, we need to keep these functions implementations in libgfortran for now 
> (for ABI compatibility) but can remove them at the next breakage. Is one 
> planned? Where is this tracked, is it still at 
> https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/LibgfortranAbiCleanup or do we have another place 
> (e.g. in bugzilla)?

Both are elemental generic procedures, and we have
Procedure pointer %qs at %L shall not be elemental
Interface %qs at %L may not be generic
errors for these 2 cases (trying to create procedure
pointer to elemental and trying to create procedure
pointer to generic procedure).


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