Built into Mattermost is a feature called Playbooks.


For those of you who have accepted invitations and have access, I p;an to create a Playbook to capture our workflow.

Our workflow in my mind obviously included email for patch approvals and Bugzilla for bug tracking. These in my mind are good tools.

Now as an example of how folks are currently using Mattermost, Paul has posted preliminary patches for Finalization on that channel and others have chimed in with test cases. It is a dialog that is efficient and to the topic. It provides a focused discussion not cluttered by emails coming in on numerous other topics, that you have to filter out as you scan emails.

Vincent has linked the gtk-fortran GitHub repository. This allows issues and such show up for those interested without having to go out to GitHub and look.

I have a Board setup that I am using to help me keep track of a lot of Steve's patches hiding around in Bugzilla. Helpful to me, and others can look to see my progress. Certainly others can use the board and take on some of those.

I am hoping the Playbook will help new people to understand and follow our work flow as well.

I will occasionally ask here if anyone would like to join the MatterMost. I am not looking for lurkers, I am looking for contributors, either testing, helping to understand bugs, interpreting Fortran Standards, and of course contributing patches.

Regards to all,


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