On Wed, 8 Mar 2023, Thomas Koenig wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> > Last night, I scoped out the work required to get the patch ready to commit.
> > Sorting out the testcases will be the main load since they have grown
> > "organically". I propose to change over to one test for each paragraph of
> > F2018 <> and to verify them against
> > the other brands. I suspect that this will allow a weeding out of the
> > existing tests. It will take me a couple of weeks.
> I am a little bit concerned that this might bring us too close to the
> release date. We are down to 22 P1 regressions as of now.
> Richard, what do you think?

While Fortran is not considered release critical it would be bad to
break say the build of SPEC CPU 2017 or Polyhedron very late in the
cycle.  I'd lean towards postponing this to early stage1 and eventually
backport it for GCC 13.2 if you would like this feature to be implemented
for GCC 13.

But it's of course the Fortran maintainers decision.

Even though Fortran isn't release critical we might ask you to revert
if any such severe problems show up.


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