On Sun, 23 Apr 2023 23:48:03 +0200
Harald Anlauf via Fortran <fortran@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:

> Am 22.04.23 um 10:32 schrieb Paul Richard Thomas via Gcc-patches:

> > PR103931 - I couldn't reproduce the bug, which involves 'ambiguous c_ptr'.
> > To judge by the comments, it seems that this bug is a bit elusive.

See Haralds comment 12, you need to remove the use cmodule:
module DModule
   use AModule
   !comment 12, 'use CModule' should not be needed: use CModule
   !use CModule

   implicit none

   public :: DType

   type, abstract :: DType
   end type
end module

> PR103931: it is indeed a bit elusive, but very sensitive to code
> changes.  Also Bernhard had a look at it.  Given that there are
> a couple of bugs related to module reading, and rename-on-use,
> I'd recommend to leave that open for further analysis.

I would mark the dt sym that is used *as* the generic interface with

Like: https://gcc.gnu.org/PR103931#c18

This seems to work and sounds somewhat plausible (to me).
If that is not correct, then i'm running out of ideas and will stop
looking at that PR.


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