On 2/4/24 3:31 AM, Anuj Mohite wrote:
Dear Fortran GCC developers,

I am Anuj, a Computer Science student from India. I am interested in contributing to the Fortran frontend for GCC during GSoC 2024.

I got to know about this through the Martin J and GCC IRC channel. My background is in C/C++ and I have taken compiler construction courses, so I am excited to learn Fortran and contribute. Could you please guide me further?

I want to understand the architecture and codebase so I can prepare a strong project proposal. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Thank you for you interest.

All are welcome to contribute. We do have a Mattermost workspace that you may join where you can get some guidance from the team if we happen to be online. I monitor this daily.

Take a look at these links:


Some info on the process.


That gets a list of the open fortran bugs.

Get familiar with out git repository:


Feel free to ask more questions. Take a look at some of the Problem reports on the bugzilla and see if anything catches your attention.

Best regards,


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