On 5 March 2024 04:15:12 CET, Jerry D <jvdelis...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Attached is the revised patch using the already available string_len_trim 
>This hunk is only executed if a user has not passed an iostat or iomsg 
>variable in the parent I/O statement and an error is triggered which 
>terminates execution of the program. In this case, the iomsg string is 
>provided in the usual error message in a "processor defined" way.
> Executing defined input/output data transfers
>11 If the iostat argument of the defined input/output procedure has a nonzero 
>value when that procedure returns, and the processor therefore terminates 
>execution of the program as described in 12.11, the processor shall make the 
>value of the iomsg argument available in a processor-dependent manner.
>OK for trunk?


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