
I am trying to link gfortran routines which call assembly routines.  The linker 
cannot find these assembly routines although they have been
assembled using "as" and stored in a static library using "ar".

I have used the following options when assembling:

-c  --32  -a=list_file_name  -o obj_file_name

When I attempt to link my test program (FF.F90) which calls UPPER_CASE (an 
assembly routine) I get the following error:

 FF.OBJ:FF.F90:(.text+0x10c): undefined reference to `upper_case_'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
%LINK-E-LINKFAIL, linker failure - return code: 1

I have attached UPPER_CASE.ASM to this email for your perusal.

If you require more information, please ask.

Thank you,
#                         U  P  P  E  R  _  C  A  S  E                         #
#                         ----------------------------                         #
# Subroutine to convert all lowercase characters in the passed Character       #
# variable to uppercase.                                                       #
# Calling format                                                               #
# ==============                                                               #
# CALL UPPER_CASE (string1)                                                    #
#                                                                              #
# Argument                                                                     #
# ========                                                                     #
# string1                                                                      #
#       [INOUT] A CHARACTER variable whose lowercase characters are to be      #
#       converted to uppercase.                                                #
# Interface                                                                    #
# =========                                                                    #
# SUBROUTINE UPPER_CASE (STRING1)                                              #
#  CHARACTER(*),INTENT(INOUT) :: STRING1                                       #
# END SUBROUTINE UPPER_CASE                                                    #
# Library File: SYS$LIBRARY:INTOOLSLIB.OLB                                     #
#   ***********************************************************************    #
#   *                           LIMITED RIGHTS                            *    #
#   *                                                                     *    #
#   *  This software is supplied without representation of warranty of    *    #
#   *  any kind.  The author therefore assumes no responsibility and      *    #
#   *  shall have no liability of any kind arising from the supply or     *    #
#   *  use of this software.                                              *    #
#   *                                                                     *    #
#   *  This software may be used only by the purchaser.  This software    *    #
#   *  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made  *    #
#   *  available to any other person.  No title to and ownership of the   *    #
#   *  software is hereby transferred.                                    *    #
#   *                                                                     *    #
#   *  The information in this software is subject to change without      *    #
#   *  notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the author.  *    #
#   *                                                                     *    #
#   *  The information contained herein is proprietary to the author and  *    #
#   *  its use, disclosure, or duplication is restricted.                 *    #
#   ***********************************************************************    #
# D a t e      A u t h o r  Description of Modification                        #
# -----------  -----------  ---------------------------                        #
# 27-JUL-1993  K.Woolridge  Original.                                          #


#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


         MOV       %EAX,4(%ESP)             # Get String address
         MOV       %EBX,8(%ESP)             # Get String Length
         MOV       %EDX,%EBX                # Save length
         MOV       %ECX,0

UC_01:                                      # Do
         MOV       %BL,(%EAX)               #    Next character
         CMP       %BL,PC_LO_A              #    Compare to "a"
         JL        UC_02                    #    Less than, don't change
         CMP       %BL,PC_LO_Z              #    Compare to "z"
         JG        UC_02                    #    Greater than, don't change
         SUB       %BL,0X20                 #    Convert to upper case
         MOV       (%EAX),%BL               #    Save converted character
         ADD       %EAX,1                   #    Increment pointer
         ADD       %ECX,1                   #    Increment counter
         CMP       %ECX,%EDX                #    Finished?
         JGE       RETURN                   #    Yes, exit
         JMP       UC_01                    # End do


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