Hi Chung-Lin, hi Thomas, hello world,

some thoughts glancing at the patch.

Chung-Lin Tang wrote:
There is still some shortcomings in the current state, mainly that only explicit-shaped 
arrays can be used (like its C counterpart). Anything else is currently a bit more 
complicated in the middle-end, since the existing reduction code creates an 
"init-op" (literal of initial values) which can't be done when say 
TYPE_MAX_VALUE (TYPE_DOMAIN (array_type)) is not a tree constant. I think we'll be on the 
hook to solve this later, but I think the current state is okay to submit.

I think having some initial support is fine, but it needs an understandable and somewhat complete error diagnostic and testcases. More to this below.

+      if (!TREE_CONSTANT (min_tree) || !TREE_CONSTANT (max_tree))
+       {
+         error_at (loc, "array in reduction must be of constant size");
+         return error_mark_node;
+       }
Shouldn't this use a sorry_at instead?

+         /* OpenACC current only supports array reductions on explicit-shape
+            arrays.  */
+         if ((n->sym->as && n->sym->as->type != AS_EXPLICIT)
+             || n->sym->attr.codimension)
            gfc_error ("Array %qs is not permitted in reduction at %L",
                       n->sym->name, &n->where);
[Coarray excursion. I am in favor of allowing it for the reasons above, but it could be also rejected but I would prefer to have a proper error message in that case.]

While coarrays are unspecified, I do not see a reason why a corray shouldn't be permitted here – as long as it is not coindexed. At the end, it is just a normal array with some additional properties, which make it possible to remotely access it.

Note: For coarray scalars, we have 'sym->as', thus the check should be '(n->sym->as && n->sym->as->rank)' to permit scalar coarrays.

* * *

Coarray excursion: A coarray variables exists in multiple processes ("images", e.g. MPI processes). If 'caf' and 'caf2' are coarrays, then 'caf = 5' and 'i = caf2' refer to the local variable.

On the other hand, 'caf[n] = 5' or 'i = caf[3,m]' refers to the 'caf' variable on image 'n' or [3,m]', respectively, which implies in general some function call to read or set the remote data, unless the memory is directly accessible (→ e.g. some offset calculation) and the compiler already knows how to handle this.

While a coarrary might be allocated in some special memory, as long as one uses the local version (i.e. not coindexed / without the image index in brackets).

Assume for the example above, e.g., integer :: caf[*], caf2[3:6, 7:*].

* * *

Thus, in terms of OpenACC or OpenMP, there is no reason to fret a coarray as long as it is not coindexed and as long as OpenMP/OpenACC does not interfere with the memory allocation – either directly ('!$omp allocators') or indirectly by placing it into special memory (pinned, pseudo-unified-shared memory → OG13's -foffload-memory=pinned/unified).

In the meanwhile, OpenMP actually explicitly allows coarrays with few exceptions while OpenACC talks about unspecified behavior.

* * *

Back to generic comments:

If I look at the existing code, I see at gfc_match_omp_clause_reduction:

 if (gfc_match_omp_variable_list (" :", &c->lists[list_idx], false, NULL,
                                  &head, openacc, allow_derived) != MATCH_YES)

If 'openacc' is true, array sections are permitted - but the code added (see quote above) does not handle n->expr at all and only n->sym.

I think there needs to be at least a "gfc_error ("Sorry, subarrays/array sections not yet handled" [subarray is the OpenACC wording, 'array section' is the Fortran one, which might be clearer.

But you could consider to handle at least array elements, i.e. n->expr->rank == 0.

Additionally, I think the current error message is completely unhelpful given that some arrays are supported but most are not.

I think there should be also some testcases for the not-yet-supported case. I think the following will trigger the omp-low.cc 'sorry_at' (or currently 'error' - but I think it should be a sorry):

subroutine foo(n)

integer :: n, A(n)

... reduction(+:A)

And most others will trigger in openmp.cc; for those, you should have an allocatable/pointer and assumed-shape arrays for the diagnostic testcase as well.

* * *

I have not really experimented with the code, but does it handle multi-dimensional constant arrays like 'integer :: a(3:6,10,-1:1)' ? — I bet it does, at least after handling my example [2] for the C patch [1].



[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-January/641669.html

[2] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2024-March/647704.html

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