Sikap tegas Obama harusnya menjadi suri teladan untuk para penguasa pengusaha 
sekarang di Indonesia dalam menangani berbagai bencana ekologi oleh korporasi. 
Atau memang masih ada "perbedaan peradaban" antara kedua negara? 

BP agrees to $20 billion fund for spill claims
17 June 2010 | 09:12:49 AM | Source: AFP 

BP agreed to pay $20 billion into a fund to meet mounting oil spill claims, as 
US President Barack Obama won key concessions from company bosses in 
high-stakes talks. 

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Flanked by somber looking BP executives on the White House steps, chairman 
Carl-Henric Svanberg said no more shareholder dividends would be paid this year 
as the company meets the bill from the Gulf of Mexico disaster.
The Swede insisted BP did care about the "small people" most affected by 
America's worst environmental disaster and in a surprise move announced it 
would set up a 100-million-dollar foundation to help unemployed rig workers.
"We have made clear from the first moment of this tragedy that we will live up 
to all our legitimate responsibilities," a conciliatory Svanberg said, adding 
that compensation claims would be handled "swiftly and fairly."
"We will look after the people affected, and we will repair the damage to this 
region, the environmental damage to this region and to the economy."
The British energy giant will pay into the escrow account over the next four 
years, and it will be overseen by prominent lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, who 
managed compensation claims by victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
A panel of three judges will hear appeals of Feinberg's decisions over the 
fund, which is designed to meet the claims of all individuals and businesses 
harmed by the spill.
"BP has agreed to contribute 20 billion dollars over a four-year period at a 
rate of five billion dollars per year, including five billion dollars within 
2010," a White House statement said.
"This account is neither a floor nor a ceiling on liability," the statement 
said, adding BP would not seek to take advantage of the 75-million-dollar 
federal liability cap for oil companies.
The announcements represented a major victory for Obama, who has been under 
fire over his handling of the disaster, which has raised questions about his 
leadership and threatened to damage his presidency.
Reading a statement moments before BP bosses exited the White House, the 
president stressed that 20 billion dollars was not a cap for the company's 
liability, but was quick at the same time to try to reassure investors.
"I'm absolutely confident BP will be able to meet its obligation to the Gulf 
Coast and to the American people. BP is a strong and viable company and it is 
in all of our interests that it remain so."
But the scale of the company's financial woes was hinted at by an announcement 
Wednesday from chief financial officer Byron Grote that it planned to offload 
10 billion dollars of assets.
Analysts said BP, which has already spent some 1.6 billion dollars battling the 
spill and made a profit of around 14 billion dollars in 2009, should be strong 
enough financially to weather the storm even if it has to borrow more.
"Regardless how the payments mechanically happen, BP has the financial strength 
to fund it," said Jason Gammel of Macquarie Research. "They have enough cash 
flow and quality assets that will allow it to fund that type of liability."
US experts estimate between 35,000 and 60,000 barrels of oil a day are still 
spewing into the waters off the Louisiana coast, after an April explosion sank 
an exploratory deepwater drilling rig operated by BP.
A massive slick is now threatening the coastlines of four southern US states, 
and has crippled the fishing and tourist industries -- vital economic lifelines 
for the region.
BP is currently containing an average of 15,000 barrels a day of oil, which is 
now being siphoned up to two processing ships on the surface, but hopes to 
increase that significantly in the coming weeks.
The leak is not expected to be permanently capped until August, when one of two 
relief wells being drilled is complete.
Svanberg attended Wednesday's talks with BP chief executive Tony Hayward, along 
with a battery of lawyers from both the British energy giant and the US Justice 
Department and US administration. But White House officials said there was no 
mention of any Justice Department investigation into the spill.
The meeting came the day after Obama used an Oval Office address to the nation 
to try to persuade Americans to embark on a "national mission" on clean energy 
and end its century-long addiction to fossil fuels.
Oval Office speeches are normally reserved for the nation's most somber moments 
such as the announcement of war.

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