Dear all,
Buruknya sistem pendidikan yang berdampak pada buruknya tenaga kerja
yang dihasilkan membuat dua raksasa teknologi, Google dan ATT, geram
dan ingin turun tangan membantu membenahi system pendidikan secara
langsung. Hal ini disampaikan dalam pertemuan para gubernur di AS hari
Sabtu kemarin. Selanjutnya baca sendiri.
Kapan kira-kira perusahaan besar Indonesia bersedia untuk turun tangan
membantu system pendidikan dimana mereka beroperasi? Tanpa visi semacam
ini jelas Indonesia tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan Negara mana pun.
Time to do something.

Tech giants want boost in schools
Matthew Benson
The Arizona Republic
Jul. 22, 2007 12:00 AM 
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - The heads of two of America's titans of the
high-tech economy, Google and AT&T, had a simple message when they met
with the nation's governors Saturday: Get us a skilled workforce. And
get out of the way.

As things stand, they say government regulations often hamper business
investment. Qualified workers are in short supply. 

Case in point: AT&T Chief Executive Randall Stephenson said his company
is hard-pressed to find the 50,000 new hires it's seeking each year,
including 4,000 positions that are returning to the United States from
India. Part of the blame, he and Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt
agreed, lies with an underperforming education system. 

"They're graduating the same number of engineers in India that we are
in the U.S., and their economy is 7 percent the size," Stephenson said.
"In my opinion, our education system has fallen flat. We've gotten fat
and lazy."

Their sobering assessment of the problem came before a panel of roughly
three dozen governors gathered in this lakeside community for the 99th
annual conference of the National Governors Association. Gov. Janet
Napolitano, chairwoman of the association, is pitching her Innovation
America initiative as part of the cure.

It includes a call for more rigorous K-12 education standards with a
focus on math and science education. State universities are to be not
only educational institutions, but also economic engines with the
products of their research and development hitting the marketplace and
spinning off companies.

It's no small undertaking, and Napolitano urged her gubernatorial
colleagues to fend off inertia by using their office "as a bully pulpit
to create a sense of urgency about this."

The watchword: Innovation. 

It was on the lips of governors from Minnesota to Maine as they
discussed how their states are trying to use what Napolitano calls
"mental capital" to adapt to an increasingly competitive global economy
and buffer against collapse in any single industry. 

Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, offered her state as an
example of the need: "Because of the challenges in our auto sector, we
know the advantages of investing in the diversity of the economy."
'A real revolution'
That's the "why." The "how" is where it gets trickier.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican and the incoming NGA
chairman, suggested that classrooms leverage new technology and get
away from the traditional blackboards-and-textbooks focus. 

In Maine, high school students must now complete four years of math and
science, up from two, and the state is working with its neighbors to
become a hub for information technology.

"We are very much at the beginning of a real revolution in innovation,
information and governing," Schmidt said.

In much of Arizona, of course, wireless-telephone service remains a
pipe dream - let alone high-speed broadband with streaming video and
the like. That's changing.

Just weeks ago, even the tiny central-Arizona town of Superior went
digital by launching its own wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network. Largely
funded by a $270,000 federal grant, it's hoped that the high-speed
Internet will create economic opportunities in the mining town. There
are plans to allow local residents to access online business courses
through Central Arizona College.

Expanding wireless and broadband reach across Arizona is key,
Napolitano said, adding, "Ultimately, everybody needs to be linked."
Catching up 
Arizona is pushing other efforts as well - raising academic rigor,
increasing math and science requirements, reforming higher education.
The state has pledged $100 million during the next four years to
Science Foundation Arizona, an incubator for new biotechnology and
research firms.

Just as important as reducing regulation and improving education is
ensuring that Arizona's tax burden remains competitive, said Steve
Voeller, president of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club. Arizona has cut
hundreds of millions of dollars from its property- and income-tax rates
in the past couple of years. 

For now, though, the state struggles to churn out quality graduates in
numbers that lure the highest-paying employers. Arizona State
University President Michael Crow conceded that and said it's evident
in struggles that he knows Google is having to secure a workforce for
its new facility in Tempe.

"We're going to catch up," said Crow, who was at the conference. With
the necessary reforms, he said, ASU and the state can begin to reach
their new innovation economy within 10 years.

How will we know? "When we are one of the places that are consistently
looked at by leading-edge industries."

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