Dear Rulin, Max, everybody,

Rulin Shen's question is exactly equivalent to asking which groups contain a "Hadamard difference set": this is a set S of size 2n^2 - n in a group of order 4n^2 such that each non-identity element of the group has n^2 - n representations as ab^-1, for a, b in S.

(I can provide a proof of this if anyone is interested.)

There is quite a lot of literature on Hadamard difference sets. Here are a few relevant papers; there are many more!

David Gluck, Hadamard difference sets in groups of order 64, J. Combinatorial
Theory (A) 51 (1989), 138-140

Alec Biehl et al., Finding Hadamard difference sets,

Omar Abughneim, On (64,28,12) difference sets, Ars Combinatoria 111 (2013),

Dylan Peifer, Hadamard difference sets,

Dieter Jungnickel and Bernhard Schmidt, Difference sets: an update,


On 02/02/17 16:31, Max Horn wrote:
Dear Rulin,

On 02 Feb 2017, at 12:45, Rulin Shen <> wrote:

Dear Prof. Cameron,

Thanks for your answer. Sorry to my question's condition should be |H^c \cap 
Hg|=|G|/4, where H^c the complement of H in G, and all g. So sorry!
Then the problem seems to become trivial: H^c \cap Hg either equals the empty 
set (when g\in H) or else Hg. By your condition, the former case must not occur 
for any g\neq 1, thus H must be trivial. But then |H^c \cap Hg|=1 for g\neq 1, 
thus |G|=4 and G is either C_4 or C_2 x C_2.

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