> On Apr 22, 2017, at 5:47 PM, Will Chen <oxei...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:oxei...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer!
> When you say "it also is not guaranteed to be stable between different GAP 
> sessions", do you mean that if I use "SaveWorkspace", and later load the 
> saved workspace, the ordering may have changed? (Ie, a stored minimal element 
> may no longer be minimal upon loading the saved workspace?)

A saved workspace is like the same session, so there it is guaranteed. A.

> On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Hulpke,Alexander 
> <alexander.hul...@colostate.edu <mailto:alexander.hul...@colostate.edu>> 
> wrote:
> Dear Will, Dear Forum,
>> In other words, given a finite group G represented in GAP, is G guaranteed
>> to have an immutable total ordering which "Minimum" is always guaranteed to
>> use when called via "Minimum(List(X))" where X is a subset of G?
> The intention is that all classes of objects (group elements, polynomials, 
> finite field elements) provide a total order, via the `<` operator. This 
> comparison is not dependent on the representation, that is subgroups compare 
> the same regardless of the generating set. (In general groups, cosets etc. 
> compare the same as their sorted element lists would.)
> This is the order used by `Minimum`, thus what you are doing will work.
> Caveats:
> 1) This order is not guaranteed to be the one every user would consider 
> ``natural’’ (e.g. the natural ordering on the elements of the field with 11 
> elements is
> gap> List(Elements(GF(11)),Int);
> [ 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 10, 9, 7, 3, 6 ]
> ) but may dependent on internal workings or even arbitrary internal choices. 
> (It is obviously the natural order for rationals, but will *not* be so for 
> real irrationals!)
> 2) In some situations (say cosets of a subgroup of a finitely presented 
> group) calculation of the order can be extremely costly.
> 3) The order is only guaranteed to be stable within classes of objects that 
> GAP can compare for equality. If you create A5 twice as finitely presented 
> group with the same presentation, the order might be different. It also is 
> not guaranteed to be stable between different GAP sessions (So depending o 
> the kind of objects you may not be able to store minimal elements.)
> This issue is irrelevant for permutations.
> 4) The availability of such an order is a policy but not policed 
> automatically by the type system, but relies on the implementor. You *can* 
> implement a class of objects that are group elements for which `<` does not 
> work, but that should not be the case for objects provided in the library.
> All the best,
>   Alexander Hulpke
> -- Colorado State University, Department of Mathematics,
> Weber Building, 1874 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1874, USA
> email: hul...@colostate.edu <mailto:hul...@colostate.edu>, Phone: 
> ++1-970-4914288 <tel:(970)%20491-4288>
> http://www.math.colostate.edu/~hulpke <http://www.math.colostate.edu/~hulpke>
> -- 
> William Chen
> Member, School of Mathematics
> Institute for Advanced Study,
> Princeton, NJ, 08540
> oxei...@gmail.com <mailto:oxei...@gmail.com>
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