Dear Forum,

Just a very brief note on one remark:

> Essentially, all I am trying to do is find a triple of conjugacy classes 
> (that are rational) such that a triple (g_1, g_2, g_3) of elements  satisfies 
> the rigidity condition of Thompson to realize the group M11 as Galois over Q.

My understanding (for details see the Book on representation theory by Lux and 
Pahlings, and ultimately — as they refer to it — the book by Malle and Matzat) 
is that the rigidity criterion only realizes M11 over a number field and 
further work is needed to obtain a rational realization from this.


   Alexander Hulpke

> I am very much appreciative for all your help,
> John
> []<>
> A conjugacy class $C$ is rational iff $c^n\\in C$ whenever 
> ...<>
> Let $C$ be a conjugacy class of the finite group $G$. Say that $C$ is 
> rational if for each character $\chi: G \rightarrow \mathbb C$ of $G$, for 
> each $c\in C$, we ...
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