PSPad 5.06 (589) 64 bit on Windows 10. Auto spell check does not work for .md
files and does not highlight misspelled words as I type them, nor when I hit
enter to end a line.

A .md file is just a text file for Markdown.

- I have a clip definition file for Markdown files that I made.
- I have a highlighted I made for Markdown also so that it links to files with a
.md extension. On the highlighter specification tab the File Mask is "*.md". The
Filter Name is "Markdown".
- When I click Settings, User Highlighter, I do not seem to have a user
highlighter definition file called Markdown.ini.
- Under Settings, Spell Settings, the dictionary I use is English.2-1-0, Show As
is "Microsoft Word", Ignore One-char Words is checked, Ignore Words with Number
is checked. The "Reload Dictionary" button is grayed out. 
- Under the PSPad program dir\Spell I have the files English.2-1-0;dic (I don't
know why it uses a semicolon in the name), English.user.dic,, and a
few other .txt files.

Is the Spell\English.2-1-0;dic misspelled by using a semicolon?

Any way I get get spell checking working for .md files? 

Thank you! :)

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