Some issues :

- Code folding is not restored at launch time when files previously used are
auto reopened.
- The last used tab is not restored either.
- If "Code folding support" is not selected in Settings, "Code indent guides"
and "Folded lines hint marks" should be grayed out. (Ideally indent guides
should be independent of code folding, its a real help alone.)
- The "Auto hide Left Gutter" does not work when applied in Settings if "Line
Numbers" (from the "View" menu) is active/displayed.
- If the saved main window height is reduced from the bottom, when using
"Search/Replace in Files" it is auto resized to its previous/saved height when
the "Log Window" appears, which is really annoying.
- Also when the main window is full height (not necessary full screen), showing
the "Log Window" while playing with the minimum height of the file panel in the
"Code Explorer window" increase the main window height its bottom now off
screen, making it impossible to resize properly without moving it (black is
virtual screen captured by XnView):

(viz )

PSPad freeware editor

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