As I can't send this log to support email, I copy it here:

My exception comment:

I had 8 text files open (1x txt, 1x css, 6x php) in PSPad [version 5.0.7 (727)
x64]. Then I closed one of the files after making some changes in it. This cased
the 'Access violation' error. The scenario seems to be the same all the time. It
repeats after I try to close one of the opened files. After I clicked on
'Terminate' button in PSPad, I get the following window: 'Application Error:
Exception EInvalidPointer in module PSPad.exe at 0000000000009671. Invalid
pointer operation.' I got this kind of error quite often (even before 5.0.7.b727

Error log:

Exception description:

Access violation at address 0000000000594915 in module 'PSPad.exe'. Write of
address 0000000000000107.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 0000000000594915
Stack list, generated 25/02/2022 13:56:17
[0000000000594915] Vcl.Graphics.TResourceManager.FreeResource + $55
[00000000007EFC88] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5351, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[00000000007EFBF6] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5292, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[00000000007F2196] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6741, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[00000000007DF9C5] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[00000000007DFC0B] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[00000000007DFDC7] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[0000000000411777] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $267
[00007FFC3F5A86EF] Unknown function at __chkstk + $12F
[00007FFC3F535AEA] Unknown function at RtlRestoreContext + $8AA
[00007FFC3F5A76FE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[0000000000594915] Vcl.Graphics.TResourceManager.FreeResource + $55
[0000000000596647] Vcl.Graphics.TBrush.Destroy + $27
[000000000040FB88] System.TObject.Free + $18
[0000000000789B98] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.Destroy + $138
[00000000007979B1] Vcl.Controls.TCustomControl.Destroy + $31
[000000000085E2F1] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.Destroy (Line 1410, "SynEdit.pas" + 9)
+ $0
[0000000000789B66] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.Destroy + $106
[000000000072EDE3] Vcl.Forms.TScrollingWinControl.Destroy + $73
[000000000073068F] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.Destroy + $1FF
[000000000040FB88] System.TObject.Free + $18
[00000000007399A9] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.CMRelease + $9
[00000000004102D5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[0000000000786CE0] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[000000000078E120] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $980
[0000000000732AC1] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $9E1
[000000000078D2BC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[000000000053F766] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[00007FFC3DB91C4C] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $43C
[00007FFC3DB90EA6] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $2B6
[0000000000741723] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $133
[0000000000741798] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $18
[0000000000741BEF] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $EF
[0000000000CAEBD0] PSPad.PSPad (Line 123, "" + 57) + $0
[00007FFC3EEE54E0] BaseThreadInitThunk + $10
[00007FFC3F50485B] RtlUserThreadStart + $2B
Program  : C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe  5.0.7 (727)
System   : Windows 10 Home Edition x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 55F0, 
Processor: Intel, 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz, 1380 MHz MMX
Display  : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 96
Skin     : Windows
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_X45007002"

PSPad freeware editor

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