It happened with PSPad v5.0.6 32b (used it for about a month or two without
issues on the same JS file).
Last version I was using before v5.0.6: v5.0.3 32b (I think).

File: UTF-8 JS file.

Line before bug:

If I try to copy/paste that bugged line I get this:
  á­ Í­;

But this is what I see in PSPad (and other text editors) [5997]:
(viz )

What I was doing:
Opened a JS file > added one line of code > saved to test JS -> no bug.
Copy pasted that line to other location > saved to test JS -> no bug.
Pasted that line to other location > saved to test JS -> bug appeared.

All edits were not near that bugged "5997" line.

PSPad freeware editor

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