I also like this interesting addition of openAI in to PSPad; thank You.
I noticed an unusual behaviour with some keys, namely Ctrl. This is somehow
blocked or ignored in the openAI chat window and the main editor window chatches
these key presses instead.
E.g. one cannot use Ctrl+Left/Right cursor key in the chat to jump over whole
words or select them using Shift (the text selection is made in the main
editor). Ctrl+Backspace even inserts specific characters, hex 7F.
The Tab is inactive too, it behaves like a form fot jumping to other buttons
etc. (it may be a bit surprising in a multiline text, but it doesn't matter

However, for other possibilities of this tool, I'd suggest to keep the chat
conversation context somehow, as in the web page - it is often useful for
finetuning the previous results. In such a mode, the prompts as well as the AI
answers may stay in the chat window and may be copied to the editor.

On the other hand, it might be also useful, to take a current text selection as
a prompt and return the answer directly after that to the editor. (it could be
called from the menu, context menu, or a keyboard shortcut.

I find getting the complete answer at once (as it is now) more practical then
the "fragmented" ouput of the openAI web page, where the delays aren't that
thanks and regards,

PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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