Guys, FoxtrotGPS now saves its tracks as GPX rather than its own private
log format. Thats a good thing, GPX format is well know.

But it makes the convert2gpx script a bit useless. I submit a few logs
to OpenStreetMap and quite liked the old convert2gpx, it made the
process just a touch quicker. So I wrote a small python script to do the
same thing but starting with a gpx log. It also sets a few default
settings in the resulting OSM file.

Like Markus's original, it depends on gpsbabel but otherwise should work
with most standard python installs.

Its attached if you are interested.

Any license that works for you ...

#! /usr/bin/python

# Simple script to convert GPX logs to OpenSteetMap for easy importation.
# Sets some basic defaults to speed up the process a bit.
# Author David Bannon but borrows heavily from a perl script by Markus Bauer
import sys, os, datetime, subprocess
import argparse

TagHighway = "\t\t<tag k='highway' v='road' />\n"
TagSurface = "\t\t<tag k='surface' v='unpaved' />\n"
TagTracktype = "\t\t<tag k='tracktype' v='grade3' />\n"
Tag4wd_only = "\t\t<tag k='4wd_only' v='yes' />\n"
TagLanes = "\t\t<tag k='lanes' v='1' />\n"
TagSource = "\t\t<tag k='source' v='survey' />\n"
TagName = "\t\t<tag k='name' v='no name yet' />\n"
HDOP = "10"
	# hdop is a measure of how accurate GPS might be, smaller the better.
	# Markus used 3.1 but I found that walking tracks with overhead trees 
	# can easily generate tracks in the 6 range. 
	# suggests 10
	# If you are really careless you can describe HDOP as a multiplier to the
	# intrinsic error of the full hardware chain, typically 5 to 8 metres.
	# So, again, very careless, HDOP of 10 means an uncertainty of 50 to 80 metres.

def Header():
	return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<osm version='0.5' generator='JOSM'>\n";

def TrackTags():		# Useful for all unsealed roads
	return TagName + TagHighway + TagTracktype + TagSurface + TagLanes + TagSource

def RoadTags():			# default tag set
	return TagName + TagHighway + TagSource

def Footer():
	return "\t</way> \n</osm> \n";

def WriteOSM(InFile):
	Count = 1;
	OF =open(InFile+'.osm', 'w')
	IF = open(InFile + '.csv')
	for Line in IF:
		Pos = Line.split(', ')
		Node = "\t<node id='-" + str(Count) + "' visible='true' lat='" + Pos[0] + "' lon='" + Pos[1] + "' />\n"
		Count = Count + 1
	OF.write("\t<way id='-" + str(Count) + "' action='modify' visible='true'>\n")
	for WLine in range(1, Count):
		Way = "\t\t<nd ref='-" + str(WLine) + "' />\n"
	if args.TRACK:
	os.unlink(InFile + '.csv')
	return Count

def HowManyPoints(FileName):
	Count = 0
	BadCount = 0
	IF = open(FileName)		
	for Line in IF:
		Count = Count + Line.count("<hdop>") # careful, this is case sensitive !
		# print "CNT", Count, Line
		HDOPs = Line.split('<hdop>')
		for i in HDOPs:
				# print "testing ", i, i[:3]
				if 10.0 < float(i[:i.find('<')]):
					BadCount = BadCount+1
			except ValueError:
	return Count, BadCount
# -------- ------------------------
# -------- Main Function ----------
# ---------------------------------

# use = " %prog [ option ]."

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='convert gpx logs to OSM files')
parser.add_argument('-v', dest='VERBOSE', action='store_true', help='be verbose')
parser.add_argument('-t', dest='TRACK', action='store_true', help='treat it as a track')
parser.add_argument('FileList', metavar='gpxfile', nargs='+', help='some gpx file')
args = parser.parse_args()

for Infile in args.FileList:
	Base,ext = os.path.splitext(Infile)
	Points, BadPoints = HowManyPoints(Infile)
	if BadPoints*2 > Points:
		print "Warning,", Infile, " has excessive points with poor HDOP"
	if args.VERBOSE:
		print Infile, Points, "points logged", BadPoints, "with excessive HDOP",
	Cmd = 'gpsbabel', '-i', 'gpx', '-f', Infile, '-x', 'simplify,error=0.003k', '-x', 'discard,hdop='+HDOP, '-o', 'csv', '-F', Base+'.csv'
		Pipe = subprocess.Popen(Cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
	except OSError:
		print "Looks like you do not have gpsbabel installed, or maybe not in your path."
		print "Please make gpsbabel available and try again."
	Lines = Pipe.communicate()[0]
	if len(Lines) > 0:
		print 'Something bad happened, beats me !'
		print Lines
	if args.VERBOSE:
		print WriteOSM(Base),
		print " nodes saved"

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