Hi --

The mailing list welcome message said I should introduce myself, so here goes...

I'm an amateur scientist, ham radio operator (N8UR), and "time-nut". I retired a couple of years ago from an entirely unrelated career in a tech company. I'm a board member and past president of TAPR, a non-profit ham radio research and development group, and have designed a number of time and frequency related products that TAPR sells.

In the time-nuts world we have used GPS pulse-per-second to provide accurate time and frequency for many years. Recently a number of us have obtained surplus dual frequency receivers (Z-12, NetRS, etc.) and have been experimenting with real-time correction and use of reference sources such as the CLK93 stream to get better results than single-frequency GPS. The coming availability of low-cost dual frequency receivers like the uBlox F9 makes this particularly interesting.

We've been using RTKLIB, and since I am mainly a Linux guy I started with the Debian version which is a couple of years behind the most recent release. I spent a few days creating an updated Debian package for both desktops and Raspberry Pis. You can download the packages at https://febo.com/pages/gps-nuts/rtklib/

Prowling around for other potential software to use led me to this list. I'll stand by to learn and contribute where I can.

Best regards,
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