rtklib on Linux has a horribly broken configuration setup.  I fixed it
several months ago and build Debian packages based on 2.4.3b31.  They
might be in unstable by now (I'm not an official maintainer so had to go
through intermediaries and I'm not sure what finally happened).  If they
are not in the repos, I can point you to them on my web site.  I suppose
it wouldn't be hard to build the programs outside of Debian and install
them manually if you use some other distro.

jra at febo dot com

On 11/18/19 6:16 PM, Bud Asterisk wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have been playing with the RTKlib packages for a few months now.
> Current setup is 2 CSG M8T receivers. Each connected to a Raspberry Pi
> Zero W. The pi run str2str that I compiled on the pi. These connect to
> RTKNAVI on my laptop without issue, all over wifi. Have 2 cell phones
> ready to handle the data connection so I can take it out into the wild!
> No problems at this point.
> I want to use RTKRCV which I have compiled on a linux machine. Am able
> to make config changes but the tool is telling me to restart after I
> make a config change. Here is what I am doing:
> rtkrcv> help rtkrcv ver.2.4.2start : start rtk serverstop : stop rtk
> serverrestart : restart rtk seversolution [cycle] : show solutionstatus
> [cycle] : show rtk statussatellite [-n] [cycle]: show satellite
> statusobserv [-n] [cycle] : show observation datanavidata [cycle] : show
> navigation datastream [cycle] : show stream statuserror : show
> error/warning messagesoption [opt] : show option(s)set opt [val] : set
> optionload [file] : load options from filesave [file] : save options to
> filelog [file|off] : start/stop log to filehelp|? [path] : print
> helpexit : exit and logout consoleshutdown : shutdown rtk server!command
> [arg...]: execute command in shellrtkrcv> restart sh: 1: ./rtkstart.sh:
> not foundcommand exec error: ./rtkstart.sh (32512)rtk server start
> errorrtkrcv> start sh: 1: ./rtkstart.sh: not foundcommand exec error:
> ./rtkstart.sh (32512)rtk server start errorrtkrcv> stop rtk server
> stoprtkrcv> start sh: 1: ./rtkstart.sh: not foundcommand exec error:
> ./rtkstart.sh (32512)rtk server start errorrtkrcv>
> It cant seem to find the start or restart commands....any wisdom? I only
> did the compile of rtkrcv and no others.
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