On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 01:04:14AM +0545, Shishir Jha wrote:
> Hey nepbabu,
> ya we are aware that we didnot include foss Nepal's email id in our
> presentation. But never the less, as for you other inquiries, the green
> portion in the chart for OS included names like Turbo OS and some other
> names that I dont remember till now, but I do remember there were some
> students who had written DOS and MS-DOS as an OS which they use. And as far

Haha. Poor students.

> as having any students in our mailing list who took part in the survey, I
> dont think so there is anybody from the list.
> Another that we did note through out our campaigning is that students are
> interested in FOSS and if given a proper channel they are willing to
> participate in promoting it. We here at IOE took an initiative for the

Yes, i read that the students were really keen on learning more about free
software movement and foss technology.

> promotion of FOSS in schools lets hope that more such programs are conducted
> in schools so that FOSS is introduced to all the students.
> And lastly thank you for appreciating our work.

No problem. If we don't appreciate hard work and ingenuity, what else do we
appreciate? A Neta's vashan ? :)


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