Hi all,
There seems to be a noise going down at the everestcensored blog.
I wanted to share what I wrote :)


"What a load of crap!!..from a cheapo!! you want everything to be Open
Source and probably Free.. you FOSS maniac.. Softwares should never be
Open Source as it beats the purpose.. because they will never be
documented in a "

This statement is coming from whom ? Bill Gates?
This kind of statement are everyday remarks I see on Slashdot, digg etc...
I find this to be a fallacy because it explicitly tries to compare FOSS
to proprietary software and prove (without references and historical
data) that proprietary is the way to go. But let me walk you through
some of the key points about foss software. :-)

First of all, if a programmer doesn't want to look at the source code,
he/she ISN'T a programmer! Maybe they should altogether change their job
to maybe Chef or something. Rather than being a SOFTWARE DEVELOPER.

In open source world, code itself speaks as a  documentation. This is
Bazaar style of development. This is what makes FOSS Programmer better
than ANY propreitary programmer (this is a gross generalisation let me
remind you)

"specialized manner and most of the people who customize don't follow
coding standards."

Oh, you are now talking about coding standards ? haha.. Coding standards
should be OPEN and PUBLISHED. What coding standards are you talking
about? ISO? NIST? or that university level coding standards called
"XP/Incremental development" or is it "Unified process"?  If a coding
standard is local to a company, you can't expect that same level of
standard amongst international open source developers. It'll by far be
more sophisticated and well developed in the case of Open source
software development. Beat me to it!

"Firstly, it is not possible to understand design pattern and
architectural style from codes. Codes are implementation of Design. "

YES, you can understand design patterns et. al from codes. That is what
REVERSE ENGINEERING is. Everyday, open source programmers have proven
this! Open source programmers DO NOT, yes! DO NOT have access to source
codes of proprietary systems (drivers, some binary blobs and
compatibility layers like nvidia's display driver), yet they do REVERSE
ENGINEERING solely based on blackbox, input-output bound executions
using OPEN SOURCE Tools and methodology. If you care to look at the
myriad of tools available to them, you'll know about it but no one can
come to you and stuff it in your brain for you.
[search terms, hexdump, pax, valgrind, strace, ptrace, gdb]

"So when the Design Documents are not understood, its better to leave
the development to the big boys.."

Who are the big boys ? The propreitary system developers ? hahah.. These
I find are baseless arguments based on a very small view of the open
source by someone [it seems] who is not even .01% sure what open
philosophy is.

"Secondly, the only mechanism for hackers to uncover vulnerabilities is
to perform black box testing.. if they had the code, think what kind of
viruses they would be able to create?? There was a project some time
back to create "

Getting access to source code DOES NOT CREATE VIRUS!
Getting access to source code instead provides more careful observations
by thousand and thousands of people who test that software. In effect,
that software becomes better in terms of stability. By the stupid
argument you've made, if you care to look at the algorithms available
for myriad of open source crypto, they are published and available to
study and use. Yet, only time shows how strong they have been. There
have been numerous bugs filed, patches released and the development just
goes towards greater heights with 1000 and 1000s of prying eyes and
eager programmers trying to break the system  and then share the
results. Academics have long followed this way and it'll continue that
way even if closed source company disagree. That is how we do in
Gnu/Linux world. We get the source, compile it and make it to work for
ourselves. If we find some bug, we try to file a bug and if we can,
release a patch fix for everyone.

"open source anti-virus program.. Some beta testers were able to create
test viruses which the anti-virus was never able to detect.. because
they knew the working of the AV.. think about it again!!!!"

So, whats the point ? There are so many closed source antivirus
companies developing software exploits, does that make them criminal?
No! They are merely trying to foolproof their antivirus tools. If you
look over at clamav project, you'll see that volunteers send in sample
of a virus  which upon recieving are carefully tested against the latest
virus database, they then merge it with the next release of virus db
which means beneficial for everyone.

Crackers, no matter what will always exist. The whole argument of
avoiding cracker is impossible. In other words, software companies who
try to prevent crackers are trying to make it harder&longer for crackers
to crack it but this is something that depends on their strategy. That
has no effect on open source world.  Internal workings of a system
should be published, that way, an normal users knows how it works. And
this is the purpose of USER MANUAL!
Foss softwares are not the total solution but it is real solution to
specific problems that exist today with proprietary softwares.
Hope you get that right before you post "Foss maniacs" the next time
without that touch of judgement and hey hope this also leads you to a
path of enlightenment.

Lastly, if you want to know how it all works, I invite you to join



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