how about moving a little out of the box by including some BSD flavours or
other *nix flavors too? like PCBSD, Solaris ?

On 8/30/07, dips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> to align with the theme of "Linux for Desktop", i think beside
> introducing general public of the different distros and the
> applications, we need to teach them "How to install". I had gone
> through one of the pages in FOSS wiki where there was mentioned
> students having problem in installation and people from the team had
> to reach there.
> I and most of us i think have heard from the Linux beginners that they
> find difficulties in installing Linux in their PCs. They aren't sure
> how to format their disks, which partition is to be created, what are
> the requirements for installing, how can they dual boot their very own
> XP and this new Linux. They are very apprehensive and don't often
> install due to fear of loosing their data and XP environment.
> My point is that if we could show them some video tutorials (are they
> available in net?) or the like they will be really motivated to
> installing Linux else they'll think they'll be better off running some
> Live CDs only. If video tutorials aren't possible at least we could
> give them manuals of Dos and Don'ts during installation covering as
> many cases that can arise during installation.
> May be with these they'll feel more comfortable and go home with
> confidence that they can install on their own. Else i think how ever
> we show them, unless they on their own are confident in installing,
> our theme can't be achieved.
> it's just my opinion, how do u guys feel? please comment.
> -dips
> >

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