On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 09:43:09PM +0545, Bipin Gautam wrote:
> X-No-Archive:
> On 10/5/07, nepbabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 11:13:15PM +0545, Bipin Gautam wrote:
> > >
> > > X-No-Archive:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 10/4/07, Jwalanta Shrestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > guys, and i am thinking of a linux "TROUBLESHOOTING CONTEST"
> > >
> > > like....
> > > - fix a situation
> > > - geta thing to work etc
> > > - do work 'say X' with just the available tools 'Y'
> > Hi Bipin,
> >
> > Could you please give an example?
> >
> sure bro,
> like...
> - install X window on Linux os with just BASE available. (that's
> tricky when it comes to demanding dependencies :)

By base you mean just the kernel source right? Because Xorg or Xfree86 source 
is also available and then FOSSians can build the kernel, then build the X*.

> - Write a WINE patch to run a application Z for Linux
> - Fix a wiped out MBR and partation table with a live CD and make OS
> boot work for windows 98, xp, linux and BSD all together.

I think there's a tool in Windows for that called fixmbr or something like that.
> - Setup a radius server for a situation Y and make it work for... Z?

Radius + EAP/TLS + Back-end billing system + Wireless AP = Hey we've got a free 
wireless in KTM built by FOSSians! 
Awesome! :-)

> just simple examples.....

That sounds great :-) 

> nepbabu([EMAIL PROTECTED]) are you the old Nepbabu that we
> all know since some year?

Yeah i am the same person.

> ahhh.... security conference, i'd love to see one here in Nepal... a
> conference with CISSP lecture in one room, SElinux lectures in
> another, security programming in another, another room full of crazy
> people trying to secure, DoS or hack into each others setup while
> another school of people doing cryptanalysis and forensics.

I also vote for this kind of sec conf. And I'd do my bit given enough momentum 
by Nepalese sec. community. But sometimes I feel you guys should -drive- the 
momentum rather than -wait- for momentum. 
> Given that, re$ource available i could plan all technical requirement
> of the conference within a month but i am skeptic about the quality
> (and quantity) of the audience that will be interested.
> :(

Why don't you start off something each year with little people? That'd surely 
gain the track as the members discuss and learn more new stuffs in security 
field and pass it on to others, it'll surely grow in that aspect. I mean I am 
-guessing- that there aren't -many- (few thousands possibly?) security 
professionals in Nepal but surely if you could get hold as much students, 
professionals and get them to come to say a sec conf. or give a talk on certain 
stuffs, that would be a good start IMHO. Certainly also consider inviting other 
sec. gurus from abroad to give talks.

Certainly possible ideas floating around  but time and energy is definitely 
needed and not to mention the amount of planning that goes into it.:-)

Good to hear it Bipin.

"Rule 6: There is no Rule 6." - Rob Pike

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