I know a person in Nepal who has taken Kernel driver development
training.(I'm not exactly sure, I'll inform after I have a talk with him)..
maybe a hands on training for a few weeks/days will suffice along with some
pdfs (or maybe even hard copy books (gosh!)). Once you get the idea of the
workings, it probably isn't too hard... also the oreilly book is awesome in
this respect... except if u are too lazy like me to implement them. Maybe
even an extended hackfest among OS geeks can be good.... after substantial
amount of research.. maybe aimed at controlling a simple piece of
equipment... like a led configuration connected to LPT (or USB.. I still
can't get my head around the USB things). Of course.. this kind of course
will require some good understanding of electronics and OS.. but still

Anyone ready to make a wiki page? I can put all the resources I think
necessary... or we can discuss here.. like which books to refer and what
kind of project will be better and then culminate that into the final
hackfest of sorts...

On Dec 5, 2007 6:20 PM, nepbabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 03:20:05PM -0500, Prasanna Gautam wrote:
> > how about developer's workshop? esp kernel development... or driver
> > development... so that we can discuss about driver building and maybe
> make
> > some ourselves than bitching about how the driver support in linux
> sucks...
> Yes Prasanna is right I think. Developer's workshop dinu lai Nepalinux
> core developers would need to give -some- sort of training or DYI methods so
> that people wishing to improve Nepalinux (and hence add drivers to it) would
> be able to do so  and also be able to give that back to international oss
> community.
> Moreover, for this to happen foss nepal needs programmer who can code in
> kernel (at the least device driver programmer) or at the least an
> experienced C hacker. Having said that, there are free resources on the web
> one can read (ldd 2nd edition found easily on the web if one wants to build
> drivers). The only requisite I believe is good knowledge about C
> programming.
> Not so long ago, I was directed to kernelnewbies.org mailing list by one
> of the Guru in Nepali kernel hacking scene - Mr. Manish Regmi so I think his
> expertise would be really welcomed in initiating such workshop.
> I think Ujwal has already started coding driver for his web camera. He can
> provide helpful hints to newcomers to that arena as well.
> --
> Cheers,
> Bikal.
> GPG: 0x5DAE3BE5
> "Rule 6: There is no Rule 6." - Rob Pike

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