Thanks a lot Shishir for the update and for correcting my

I did my initial bit of research and there are a lot of pesky bloggers
who did get pissed off at Ubuntu.. i.e, I was not alone in my
disappointment. I even went ahead and wrote a blog post about it
gutsy-gibbon.html>. Thanks for correcting my erroneous prejudgment on

Rather than posting what I posted earlier at the Ubuntu forum and
crowding this post, my thread is still here <> I would appreciate
you help in this matter, or perhaps you could do a tutorial on it if
its not asking for too much and correct the discussion on Ubuntu
forums as well, because after reading the thread on Ubuntu forums, I
am sure a lot of other newbie enthusiast may have lost interest.

This definitely is a rebreather! looking forward to a tutorial and
eagerly waiting on the local repository.

Any chance of you guys starting up on a ubuntu wiki as well.


On Mar 29, 6:39 pm, "Shishir Jha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello utsav
> On 3/29/08, Utsav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi prajwal,
> > i am also a ubuntu newbie. I didn't do my bit of initial research b4
> > installing it on my xp desktop.
> > A few warnings if you haven't already installed Ubuntu.
> > Can't listen to mp3, watch videos and the like with when you install
> > from the installation CD/DVD.
> True you cannot do that from straight CD installation, it needs extra
> packages which can be downloaded from the internet.
> You need to download separate files/codecs to do that from the
> > system.
> > and also you cannot connect to the internet, Ubuntu does not support
> > PPoE re.
> Well seems Utsav, you have not done enough research otherwise you would
> never write that ubuntu does not support pppoe. I myself have configured
> pppoe for wlink issuing a single command to set it up and another one to
> connect to it as and when needed. So please make sure that you do know what
> you are writing. Because what you write can alter the perception of people
> towards linux.
> And thing about router is another crap, and just so that you know, if you
> needed help about getting connected to internet using broadband, you should
> have writted to this forum rather than writing to ubuntu as we know the
> system of internet here better than people in ubuntu forum.
> If you are subscribed to the internet like i am (night surfing wlink
> > or hons and the like you are in deep shit you will need a separate
> > router to use the internet(that's the answer i got from ubuntu forums.
> > so ubuntu for me is on permanent halt unless i buy me a router)
> As far as your local repository is concerned we are working on it and if
> everything goes well then we will surely have a local mirror for ubuntu in
> Nepal from where you can use apt-get to install what ever you want.
> my questions to the ppl at wlink who've hosted the ubuntu ISO's? Any
> > chance of doing that (getting the mp3 codecs n other from
> >
> > good luck
> > Utsav
> Dont take it personally, but such points needs to be clarified so that
> people dont get misleaded and alter their views towards linux. And for how
> to get the things(internet and music and video) working please refer to
> Jwalanta's mail, he has provided the relevant links.
> Good Luck to you as well
> Cheers
> On Mar 29, 12:36 am, "nepbabu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Thus spoke Prajwal Adhikari on Friday, 28 March 2008 at 23:51:55 +0545:
> > > > Himanshu ji,
> > > > I have already downloaded ubantu cd image, but this wubi seeks
> > internet to
> > > > download actual installation files. Ain't There any other way to
> > install it
> > > > offline.
> > > Yes using Ubuntu install CD.
> > > Pop the Ubuntu CD in. reboot your computer and set it to boot off from
> > CD. Then follow the prompts.
> > > Before you do this however, please read the Ubuntu installation guide.
> > Here's a small converation with Ubotu for helping you out.
> > > ------------------------
> > > <nepbabu> !installation
> > > <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please
> > see
> > > Problems during install?
> > See
> > Don't
> > > want to use a CD? Try also !automate
> > > <nepbabu> !automate
> > > <ubotu> Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are
> > > described
> > at
> > > - See also !cloning
> > > ------------------------
> > > HTH
> > > --
> > > Cheers,
> > > Bikal KC (Please use: nepbababucxspamfree_at_yahoo DOT ca)
> > > Journal:|| pubkey: see header
> > > "Rule 6: There is no Rule 6." - Rob Pike
> > > "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
> > atrocities." - François-Marie Arouet
> > >  application_pgp-signature_part
> > > 1KDownload
> --
> Shishir Jha
> EPC 1970,GPO 8975,

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