Hi suVasH,

On Thursday, 21 August 2008 at 23:49:45 +0545, suVasH..... wrote:
> Hi everyone :)
> Please do recommend me a decent ( global ) hotkey manager (for
> ubuntu/debian) as the defaults really suck ( i guess ).
> And yes, it'd be gr8 if it was compatible among various Desktop Environments
> ( otherwise which would make no sense ).

I do not know what "hotkey" means but if you mean global shortcut key, then 
have a go at xbindkeys[1]. You have to manually write functionality that are 
invoked when you press key/s. That's PITA for large number of tasks but also 
flexible when you really think about it. It's gauranteed to be uniform across 
various environments as long as the binary itself (xbindkeys) is running in the 
background. Theres a demo at my journal if you want to have a look[2].

[ ... ]

[1] http://www.linux.com/feature/59494
[2] http://nepbabu.livejournal.com/14865.html

#define HIGH 0xcoffee

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