Hi Ujwal,

On Sunday, 21 September 2008 at 23:20:11 +0545, Ujwal Shrestha wrote:
> hehe,
> it means " how many bugs you find that much it is secured " and we are day
> to day using a bugged kernel calling it as secured.

As a programmer, I'd like to point out that producing a bug free software is 
hard for non-trivial software and especially true for an operating system 

AFAIK just as a userland programs, no one kernel is perfect; be it Linux, 
XNU/Mach, *BSD or Windows. Some of the best programmers work on maintaining 
Linux kernel FYI and given a tight deadline, there are so many _vectors_ that 
could make the bug possible on a given kernel release that I believe only a 
kernel programmer knows. :)

It is kind of stupid to think that an OS is the _best_ only because of a number 
of bugs in the kernel. Although its an important part of an OS (perhaps the 
most important), there are many more that defines what an OS is such as 
Usability from end user, Extensibility and Approachibility for 
developers/admins, Stability/Robustness and much much more[1] where the "BUG 
free kernel" only plays a minor role which is eventually fixed by the kernel 
developers anyway (based on the seriousness of the bug). 

> Actually linux should learn a lot from OsX.
> OsX might be the worlds most advanced operating system. it's a truth that
> they are the artist .

Ewwww! Okay, "Most advanced operating system" in terms of WHAT?  If you require 
_Clicky here_ and clicky there kinda stuff for your job/whatever, you might as 
well go back to Microsoft Windows with lots of software and you can _Clicky 
here_ and clicky there. Seriously, sometimes Linux is a bit picky. But AFAIK 
Linux is growing and it's growing FAST[2]. Linux GUI software are _decent_ 
enough to be usable. If one is really worried that OSX is taking over the world 
tomorrow, then one ought to start coding a decent Window manager or GUI 
framework for Linux that can compete with OSX. And no, I do not really like 
writing "/SystemLibrary/" on my console!

[1] There's some article floating around the net on #bugs in Windows kernel vs. 
Linux kernel. Wise idea to read them I guess before going into conclusion that 
XNU is the best kernel.

[2] I don't know the answer. Please do not ask me how fast. For all I know, the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] always sits around with 1400+ users. More than any other 
channels I've seen on freenode.
#define HIGH 0xcoffee

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