On 02/01/2010 02:27 PM, prabin gautam wrote:
great job guys...
I am so happy to know about the upgrades.

Thanx and keep it up.

On 2/1/10, Abhishek Singh<aks.abhis...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Dear All,
             This to to inform you that FOSS Nepal's MediaWiki portal
that was hosted at http://wiki.fossnepal.org is now available for use.
There has been a few changes to the wiki portal and the change-log is
enlisted below:

    1. Based on the latest stable MediaWiki Engine *(version 1.15.1)*
    2. Installed extension "*CheckUser*" which grants users with
       appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP address and
       other information.
    3. Installed extension "*ConfirmAccount*" which tweaks the account
       creation process and secures it in a way that user can no longer
       create their account, but they can request account creation for
       them and wiki administrator(s) and either accept or reject them.
    4. Installed extension "*ConfirmEdit*" which adds a simple maths
       based captcha at the account request page so as to discourage
       spamming of account requests.
    5. Installed extension "*AjaxShowEditors*" which displays a list of
       users which has been editing the page that you're editing and
       hence helps to resolve edit conflicts on the same page.
    6. Installed extension "*AntiBot*" which is a simple framework for
       spambot checks and trigger payloads.
    7. Installed extension "*SocialBookmarking*" which uses "addthis.com"
       and help readers/users bookmark a wiki page to many social media
       sites like Digg, Twitter, Facebook etc.
    8. Last, but not the least, removed many spam users from the user
       list and some unnecessary spam pages and edits.

I understand that disabling automatic account creation might discourage
you from contributing to wiki, but acting to the massive spam activities
over the wiki, I had no choice. Also this way, it makes sure that no
unauthorized user can make changes to your wiki contribution. Also I
would like to inform that while deleting some of the spam users I might
have mistakenly deleted some valid users (though I took utmost care that
I never delete a valid user), so please request your account if it has
been deleted. Moreover, I saw that some users have created multiple
accounts for themselves and haven't contributed even a word from any of
their account. Hence I would like to request every community member  and
wiki user not to create multiple accounts and misuse the wiki.

Finally, on behalf of the community, I would like to apologize all of
the wiki users for the inconvenience that this change in wiki and the
delay in making the wiki usable again has brought. Thank you for your
patience, support and contribution.

Abhishek Singh
FOSS Nepal Community

FOSS Nepal mailing list: foss-nepal@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: foss-nepal+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com

Mailing List Guidelines:
Community website: http://www.fossnepal.org/

Also I would like to acknowledge *Vijay Shrestha* from Outlines Hosting <http://outlines-hosting.com> who has been helping a lot with our hosting solution and web server stuffs. Many many thanks to him.

Abhishek Singh
FOSS Nepal Community

FOSS Nepal mailing list: foss-nepal@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: foss-nepal+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com

Mailing List Guidelines: 
Community website: http://www.fossnepal.org/

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