The 52°North Open Innovation Network announces an Invitation and Call for Presentations for the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference 2017.

This year’s motto “Geospatial Sensor Webs - from data to information in the Sensor Web” emphasizes the importance of Sensor Web technology in conjunction with tools for data analysis, processing, and visualization. The conference will cover the state and future directions of Sensor Web standards and technology, as well as the challenges of processing Sensor Web data. Pre-conference tutorials are followed by a full conference day. A half-day workshop concludes the event.

We invite presentation contributions for the conference and discussion topic suggestions for the workshop. Please send a title and brief abstract of approximately 50 words to

Conference Topics:

- Examples of Sensor Web implementations/applications
- Web-based Processing of Observations
- INSPIRE & O&M – Best Practices and applications
- Geospatial Web of Things
- Sensor Data Analysis
- Big Sensor Data
- Event processing
- Sensor Data visualization
- Architectures & Standards development
- Considering the quality of Observations & Measurements
- Low cost sensing devices
- Dataflow from sensors to the Web
- Semantic Sensor Web and Linked Data
- GIS and Sensor Web
- Integration of in-situ and remote sensing data especially in the context of COPERNICUS

Workshop topics:

- Participants are welcome to suggest additional topics for discussion
- Integration in-situ and remote sensing data in the context of COPERNICUS
- Event processing (pub/sub)
- Managing and processing big observation data

Important deadlines:

Registration opens: March 23, 2017
Deadline for presentation proposals: June 30, 2017
Registration ends: August 25, 2017
Conference: August 28 – 30, 2017

More information:

Best regards,
Ann Hitchcock
Ann Hitchcock
52°North GmbH, Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Muenster, Germany
tel. +49 (0)251 396371 -21
fax: +49 (0)251 396371 -11

General Managers:
Prof. Dr. Albert Remke, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849
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