Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

nachfolgend eine *Einladung *an Euch/Sie zu o.g. (hochschul-)öffentlichen Vortrag/Workshop (in englischer Sprache), finanziert aus DAAD-Mittel "Master PG" meines Kollegen, Prof. Schröder:

 "Humanitarian Mapping and Spatial Analysis"

Somit ist der Rest der Einladung in Englisch! Der Vortrag ist Teil einer Reihe von Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen des HFT ICA-OSGeo-Labs <>.

Viele Grüße - Franz-Josef

After our GDAL/OGR workshop I was able to organize another public HFT/Geo4ALL/ICA/OSGeo lecture/workshop entitled *"Humanitarian Mapping and Spatial Analysis"* given by *Rupert Allan *(see <>) next Monday afternoon, at 17:15 MESZ/GMT+2. More to this topic: <>.

Rupert will talk based on his practical experiences as Former Country Manager for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) in Uganda. I met him for the first time at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and we also could invite him to AGSE 2018 <> in Windhoek, Namibia. He brings with himself an interesting mixture of different educational and professional backgrounds, as eh holds a Masters in Visual Culture and Anthropology from the University of Wales, and is a researcher associated with the Displacement Studies Research Network (University of Plymouth, UK), and the Manson Unit, (Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), London).

I am sure we will get an inspiring talk in this *meeting*.Please let me know if you want to participate, then I will send you the Zoom invitation.

If you like you /can invite friends and colleagues/ from home or around the world!

See you on Monday - Franz-Josef Behr

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