
Today,  I  fired  up  ``fossil  server''  in  my  clone  of  the  Fossil
repository, opened a browser and clicked  on a link to generate a vdiff,


The browser reported  the page as ``reset'' and sure  enough, fossil had
crashed  and there  was  a  core file.  It  doesn't  happen every  time,
however, I  have noticed  that I  can reproduce  it by  pressing refresh
enough times in  the browser until it happens again.  The fossil version

$ fossil ver
This is fossil version 1.33 [501f35e50a] 2015-07-11 23:13:28 UTC

Here's a backtrace:
#0  0x147df7b7 in proc_command (interp=0x82648920, ctx=0x0, argc=4, 
argv=0x791c3d00, argl=0x791c3d10) at ./src/th_lang.c:500
500       if( anParam[nParam-1]==4 && 0==memcmp(azParam[nParam-1], "args", 4) ){
(gdb) bt
#0  0x147df7b7 in proc_command (interp=0x82648920, ctx=0x0, argc=4, 
argv=0x791c3d00, argl=0x791c3d10) at ./src/th_lang.c:500
#1  0x147ddfb5 in thEvalLocal (interp=0x82648920, zProgram=Variable "zProgram" 
is not available.
) at ./src/th.c:917
#2  0x147de1a5 in Th_Eval (interp=0x82648920, iFrame=0, zProgram=0x77c8801c "\n 
 proc getTclVersion {} {\n    if {[catch {tclEval info patchlevel} tclVersion] 
== 0} {\n      return \"<a href=\\\"http://www.tcl.tk/\\\";>Tcl</a> version 
$tclVersion\"\n    }\n    return \"\"\n  }\n  proc getVers"..., nProgram=531)
    at ./src/th.c:1012
#3  0x147171e1 in Th_Render (z=0x77c8822f "</th1>\n  This page was generated in 
about\n  <th1>puts [expr {([utime]+[stime]+1000)/1000*0.001}]</th1>s by\n  <a 
href=\"$fossilUrl/\">Fossil</a>\n  version $release_version $tclVersion\n  <a 
href=\"$fossilU"...) at th_main.c:2105
#4  0x14710f76 in style_footer () at style.c:633
#5  0x146d53aa in vdiff_page () at info.c:1139
#6  0x146dd2f3 in process_one_web_page (zNotFound=0x0, pFileGlob=0x0, 
allowRepoList=0) at main.c:1807
#7  0x146e0459 in main (argc=2, argv=0xcfbf9b24) at main.c:804

TAI64 timestamp: 4000000055a40d55

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